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Chin-up for Saint Michael’s

A Saint Michael’s supporter is facing a period of personal growth during lockdown – while raising funds for local hospice care!

Bill Caw, whose wife Joan was cared for at the hospice before her death, has started growing a beard, and by seeking sponsorship from friends and family has already raised an astonishing £1,500 in little more than a week!

Clean-shaven Bill, who also volunteers for Saint Michael’s, has never had a beard, but decided to take it on the chin while self-isolating.

Here he explains his motivation for his hair-raising challenge:

A week or so ago, my daughters Alison and Elaine suggested that I should grow a beard during self-isolation. Having been clean shaven for 60 plus years, this was a bit of a shock to the system but I decided to give it a go!

It further occurred to me that here was an opportunity at this difficult time to try to raise some much-needed funds for a good cause.

Saint Michael’s Hospice provides inspirational help to individuals with terminal illness as well as supporting their families in a very proactive way. I had personal experience of this when my late wife Joan was looked after there for almost two months shortly before she passed away, and sadly like many others, I have friends who have been or are being looked after in a similar way.

Bill Caw – 1 week into the challenge
Bill added:

I imagine that many of Saint Michael’s sources of funding are not available during this time and any additional help anyone can give will be much welcomed.

I will grow and cultivate a beard for as long as we have to follow Government guidelines on Coronavirus and will keep it (suitably cultivated, of course) until at least one month beyond the lifting of restrictions. That means of course that I could be facially hirsute for some considerable time!

To motivate me with this challenge, all I ask is that you make a suitable donation via my JustGiving page as below. Any amount, large or small, will be welcomed.

If anyone would like to support Bill’s challenge you can donate via his Just Giving page here


Latest growth figures below!!! Don’t get a fright!
On a serious note, it’s worth adding that despite the downturn in its available funding, Saint Michael’s is helping the amazing efforts of our District Hospital staff colleagues and care staff elsewhere in the way described below. This from Saint Michael’s  posting on Facebook last Thursday. A true representation of the team effort being put in by all elements of care staff in the fight against the Coronavirus.
‘As we join the #ClapForOurCarers and pay tribute to frontline workers tonight, we’re proud to announce that our Just ‘B’ service has taken an important role in a new national NHS Staff Support Line launched this week.
Our skilled Just ‘B’ team have joined with other charities to provide a dedicated space for NHS colleagues to discuss and process any trauma, anxiety or emotional issues as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.
Our Chief executive Tony Collins said: “We know NHS staff and all health and social care sector staff across the country, including our own teams, are dealing with some of most challenging situations imaginable.
“So they fully deserve our support in return and this is a meaningful and real way we can do this by sharing our skills and resources on a national level, to enable NHS teams to carry on helping others.”
Read more about the initiative and the part we are playing:
Stay safe everyone!


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