Everyone at Harrogate Hospital Radio would like to take this opportunity to wish each and everyone of you, our patients, staff and familes at Harrogate District Hospital seasons greetings and our best wishes for 2023
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for supporting our 2022 Christmas raffle, our best result to date – we raised over £1600.00 – INCREDIBLE.
Harrogate Hospital Radio have another exciting year ahead, we have plans to expand our broadcasting on a new platform, more about that later when we announce our plans.
As a self-funding organisation, it is vital we (our members) get actively involved in fundraising as we plan to invest a large amount of money early 2023 as we change our ‘play out’ system. The new system will cost us approximately £6000 so fundraising is especially high on our list of important things to do this year.
If you would like to support Harrogate Hospital Radio, just click on our ‘JustGiving’ link below and donate whatever you like, THANK YOU.
Harrogate Hospital Radio – JustGiving
Best wishes
Mark Oldfield