Hi Mark Oldfield, here, I am the chairman of Harrogate Hospital Radio.
It is with a heavy heart I am writing this months blog because like millions of people I for one never thought in my life time would we be facing unprecedented times due to The Coronavirus – Covid-19.
Peoples everyday lives have turned upside down as a result of the pandemic that is sweeping the world.
This month I had hoped to be bringing good new that Harrogate hospital radios shortlisted presenters at the HBA (Hospital Broadcasting Association) would be celebrating, however the event was cancelled, like many thousands of events due to the current situation.
The awards are going to be presented via video link so watch out next month when I hope to be reporting our winners (fingers crossed).
Due to the current situation Harrogate Hospital Radio have suspended our request collecting on the wards until further notice.
Patients, patients families and staff can still request music on the station at anytime.
Thus can be done by texting 82228 (start your message with the letters HHR) or email
These requests will be picked up by our staff who monitor the website.
Also as a result of the current situation HHR are not broadcasting to a full schedule, you can find our schedule by looking on our website.
To keep HHR broadcasting some of our clever presenters along with the genius that is – Oliver Stables, our studio controller have made provisions to broadcast from make shift studios from their home.
Our publicist David Simister sent a press release here it is in full.
Technology and an airing cupboard have enabled Harrogate’s oldest radio station to continue broadcasting to patients and staff within the town’s District Hospital.
Under the supervision of Oliver Stables, the charity’s Studio Manager and presenter, a total of three makeshift studios have been created in members’ homes – ensuring the shows will go on, 24 hours a day!
Whilst volunteers from Harrogate Hospital Radio are unable to visit wards during the on-going coronavirus crisis to physically take requests from patients, family members and ward staff, the nightly request shows will still continue.
Additionally, from this Saturday there will be an extended morning “Music Zone Show”, where the first hour will be dedicated to Woodlands Ward’s patients, their families and staff.
And at 9.30am each Saturday, a children’s story will be read by the niece of Harrogate Hospital Radio Chairman, Mark Oldfield, who is a teacher at Meadowside school, in Knaresborough. This will then be available to all children on YouTube.
Mark said: “Necessity is the mother of invention, and Oliver, together with members Ray Milligan and Carl Waring, have created studios in their own homes ensuring our shows do go on.
“Whilst Philip Schofield began his Children’s BBC career by broadcasting from a ‘broom cupboard’, we now have three presenters broadcasting from an airing cupboard, attic, and an under stairs cupboard!
“We first took to the airwaves in October 1977 and have been broadcasting ever since. Thanks to Oliver, we are able to continue during such trying times.”
Whilst the radio station’s request show is traditionally broadcast between 8pm and 10pm Mondays to Fridays, this is now being moved to between 3pm and 5pm on the same days.
Anyone wishing to dedicate a request to a patient, staff member or hospital department, can do so by texting 82228 before 10am, and starting it with HHR, or by emailing the studio on studio@hrrogatehospitalradio.org.uk
Full details of the revised service will be published soon.
Further information about Harrogate Hospital Radio is available from its website, https://www.harrogatehospitalradio.org.uk/
Until next month
More than ever, stay safe and get well soon, We WILL pull through this and come our stronger as a result.
Best wishes
Mark Oldfield