Hello and welcome to my February blog.
We have started 2017 in great style. HHR received a fabulous donation from the Freemasons to help our CD racks room. Oliver Stables, our studio controller, and his father have very kindly installed the new racks and these now enable us to hold approximately 900 more CDs.
On behalf of everyone at HHR a big Thank You.
In March, the Hospital Broadcasting Association will be holding its annual conference, this year in Bolton. Fingers crossed that we will come away with our nominated awards.
Plans are well underway for our 40th birthday celebrations to be held at the Bilton Working Men’s Club on October 20. More about that as we get closer, but if you are interested to know more, please do not hesitate to contact us here at HHR.
Now, if you are in the unfortunate position to have to visit the hospital, watch out for our brand new notice board that will be going up very soon in the corridor next to the endoscopy entrance, where you will be able to see what is going on at HHR and see some of our presenters pictures.
Not only that you will be able to obtain information on how to become a volunteer at HHR.
Until next time, please tune in to HHR on Hospidia channel 2 and of course you can listen online!