Welcome to my first blog of the new year.
I hope you had a wonderful and peaceful Christmas and looking forward to a prosperous 2017.
I would like to take this opportunity to pass my congratulations to the following people on receiving their long service awards at the hospital on Friday December 16th.
Ellie Jackson – 10 years
Peter Atkinson – 10 years
Carl Waring – 10 years
Bill Caw – 15 years
Oliver Stables – 15 years
David Simister – 25 years
We received news at midnight on December 31st that HHR has been nominated for three national Hospital Broadcasting Association awards, which this year are being presented in March at a gala awards ceremony being held in Bolton:
Best female presenter – Ellie Jackson
Best station promotion – volunteer for Harrogate Hospital Radio
Best specialist music programme – Solid Gold Sixties
Congratulations to those who have made this possible, especially Oliver for all his hard work in submitting the nominations. Fingers crossed we get the recognition that we deserve.
I would like to welcome Ray Milligan who is our latest recruit. I am sure Ray will be a great asset to HHR.
As you may be aware, HHR will be 40 years old in October, and we are planning some great events along with 40 hours of live broadcasting. It is going to be fun, so if you have any ideas of doing a special birthday broadcast please do not hesitate to contact Oliver or myself direct.
Here’s to an exciting 2017 at Harrogate Hospital Radio.
Best wishes