On Bank Holiday Monday (January 3rd) our 3-5 year old Christmas snow globe winner – Harrison Wyatt, from Meadowside Academy – Knarersborough visited the studios to collect his prize Father Christmas left for him in the studio.
Harrison was accompanied by his older brother Freddie, along with his parents, Jessica and Andy Wyatt.
Harrison and Freddie (and mum) chose some fabulous music including Pompeii by Bastille, Something just like this by Chainsmokers & Coldplay and September by Earth wind & Fire.
Mark Field, presenter said ‘it was a joy to have Harrison and Freddie in the studio and play their music choices, the look on Harrison’s face was priceless when he opened his prizes’. Freddie even took over the desk to introduce some music, he was a natural and a Harrogate Hospital Radio presenter in the making!.
Main picture; Harrison and Freddie at the guest microphones in the studio.
Picture; Freddie,Mark Field and Harrison.