The Day Surgery team at Harrogate District Hospital is calling on local people and businesses to support their bid to fundraise for a scanner to help ensure patients get home from surgery more quickly by donating prizes to a raffle.
The team are aiming to raise £8,500 for a bladder scanner, which is used for most patients having day surgery and can help staff quickly understand if there are any issues that need tackling. It helps prevent patients from having an unnecessary overnight stay in hospital. At the moment the team share a scanner with another department but would prefer one of their own.
And now the team – who care for about 30 patients per day – are inviting donations of raffle prizes. Any donations of vouchers, gifts, bottles, experiences, among other things, would be greatly appreciated.
Natasha Armitage, Day Surgery Nurse and raffle organiser, said: “Our raffle co-incides with our 25th anniversary, and over the years we’ve cared for so many local people. We have made such a difference to the health and wellbeing of people in the Harrogate area and hopefully now people are able to support us to be able to continue doing so for many years to come.
“We’d really love it if local businesses and people were able to support the team here and donate a raffle prize. A huge thank you in advance!”
To donate a prize, please call the Day Surgery team on 01423 555400 and ask for Lisa Thompson or Karen Littler.
The Day Surgery Unit is staffed by registered nurses, healthcare support workers and operating department practitioners. They provide skilled care and support to anaesthetists and surgeons throughout the patient’s time in hospital. Patients are admitted to the Day Surgery Unit when they undergo a surgical procedure under a general anaesthetic, regional block, spinal anaesthetic sedation or local anaesthetic, and are expected to be discharged on the same day. These patients don’t usually require an overnight stay.
Specialties include Breast surgery, Dermatology, Dental, Ear Nose and Throat, Gynaecology, Maxillofacial, Ophthalmology, Orthopaedics and Urology.