On Friday 28th October Ann Kilroy, Scott Wall, Martin Fretwell and Chairman Mark Oldfield and Oliver’s parents attended the Harrogate volunteer award ceremony at The Swan Hotel in Harrogate.
The award ceremony is now in its 9th year and Oliver Stables was nominated for the ‘unsung hero’ award for Harrogate.
Oliver picked up the winner award for that category.
Oliver was presented a certificate and a miniature ‘Oscar trophy’.
This is why the judges decided Oliver deserved the award;
Despite only being in his early 30’s Oliver Stables has already given 15+ years of unrelenting committing to his volunteering role at Harrogate Hospital Radio.
During the last 12 months Oliver has taken yet more additional responsibility when he took on responsibility for two committee roles, that of Studio Manager and Programme Controller to create a combined Studio Controller position. He has been Studio Manager for some time, but, was happy to further grow the role.
Oliver’s passion for Hospital Radio and the local community it serves is immense and often a thankless task Not only does he do on-air presenting, his tireless work in the background often goes unnoticed by many others at the station, however, is integral to the overall success and output of our charitable organisation.
Oliver was instrumental in taking hospital radio from being internal to Harrogate & District Hospital only, to now being available online via the internet, thus, further extending the opportunity for patients and their visitors to interact.
Oliver has played an enormous role at the station and after such a huge commitment over 15+ years I feel he should be acknowledged for being a true unsung hero amongst his hospital radio colleagues.
Best wishes and well done to Oliver from everyone at HHR.