Eight members of the society, which first took to the air in October 1977, were ‘presented’ with long service certificates by Hospital Broadcasting Association President June Snowden.
The broadcaster was Harrogate’s first dedicated radio station, and the awards recognise those volunteers who have been members of the charity for ten years and longer, including one for 40 years.
However, because of the on-going COVID-19 restriction, the meeting – which also elected Harrogate Hospital Radio’s committee for the next 12 months – was held online.
The members who are being honoured, which include two past Society Chairs*, are:
Steve Pexton 40 years
John Manning 35 years
Nicola Pollard 30 years
David Simister* 30 years
Bill Caw* 20 years
Mike Streeton 15 years
Ellie Jackson 15 years
Simon Berger 10 years
Martin Fretwell 10 years
Harrogate Hospital Radio Chairman Mark Oldfield said:
“Between them, these eight members have dedicated a magnificent 205 combined years’ service to Harrogate Hospital Radio.
“This is an incredible milestone, and I’d like to thank each and every one of them for their long and valued service to our great charity.
“All of our members give their time willingly and freely, and I’m grateful to them all for their individual contributions, which have helped us to be where we are today, one of the country’s most successful hospital radio stations.
“I’m delighted that June Snowdon, the President of the Hospital Broadcasting Association, was able to join us to ‘present’ these eight members of Harrogate Hospital Radio with their awards.
“Without volunteers, there would be no Harrogate Hospital Radio. Our members come from all ages and all backgrounds, and each one supports the charity in their own individual way, from presenting shows and collecting requests, to assisting in administrative duties and fundraising.”